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OpenDI System Administrator

Who is an OpenDI System Administrator?

I am an IT professional, devops engineer, or service provider who is responsible for setting up and configuring OpenDI compliant software and/or services. I may be responsible for a private network or a public or hybrid cloud architecture. I need not have any expertise or knowledge of DI, but I will generally understand network and systems administration and have super user privileges on the infrastructure I operate. I will not work directly with other roles, but will act to support users in those other roles.

I support the other roles in both the time frame before a decision is made, as well for decision monitoring after the decision is made.

User Stories

  1. As an OpenDI System Administrator, I want to install OpenDI-compliant software on systems I manage, so that my users can use that software in their business operations.
  2. As an OpenDI System Administrator, I want to create user accounts, so that users in other roles then me can access OpenDI-compliant systems.
  3. As an OpenDI System Administrator, I want to manage the privileges of user accounts, so that I can control which users have access to which services.
  4. As an OpenDI System Administrator, I want to create organizations with collections of users with related access needs, so that users will have the proper level of granularity in access and sharing of assets, models, etc.
  5. As an OpenDI System Administrator, I want to integrate OpenDI-compliant software from other vendors or other OpenDI-compliant components from the same vendor, so that my users are able to access a wide variety of capabilities across a diverse ecosystem.
    "Integrate" means that OpenDI-compliant software components are able to interoperate within the local user base. This could mean limiting access to software instances that are managed, or providing access to OpenDI-compliant software managed by an OpenDI system administrator in another organization.
  6. As an OpenDI System Administrator, I want to backup and restore configurations and assets, so that I can support rapid recoveries from system outages, bugs, or user errors.
    This may require scaling the infrastructure, and redeploying.
  7. As an OpenDI System Administrator, I want to support Service Level Agreements, so that I can ensure SLA compliance.
    Certain user bases will require service level agreements (e.g., Severity 2 bugs are fixed in 24 hours; systems are up 99.9% of the time, etc). I am responsible for all activities that ensure SLA compliance.
  8. As an OpenDI System Administrator, I want to monitor and ensure the security of my systems, so that I can support both SLAs as well as safeguard PII and proprietary data, models, and information.
  9. As an OpenDI System Administrator, I want to monitor and scale the infrastructure up and down as needed, so that I meet the needs of my users and manage costs of operating the infrastructure.
  10. As an OpenDI System Administrator, I want to support other roles as they integrate with real-time data sources and other assets so that computational and network resources are available and properly configured based on which roles need them and when.